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Any company that has to package up products and get them out to consumers or distributors faces the question of automating your packaging line or sticking with your manual processing. Often manual processing creates challenges when it comes to production efficiency and ROI. Scaling to meet growth and controlling costs are key issues to consider regarding manual vs automatic systems. As your business grows you may face some challenges. These challenges may include slow production speeds, quantity and labor issues. Automation can eliminate these difficulties. We have put together the top 5 reasons to automate your packaging line:

    1. Maxiimize Productivity: Faster sealing rate = more output & higher yield. Investing in automated packaging machinery pays off very fast. The increase in the speed results in higher yield and ability to surpass production quotas. Additionally, automation allows you to save money from labor costs and wasted materials.
    2. Reduce Waste and leave a smaller carbon footprint. Manual processing can lead to a surprisingly significant amount of waste. Having an automated packaging line means you use the exact quantity of raw materials needed, the cups, trays, tubs, bowls, ect., are sealed perfectly. reducing human handling also reduces the risk of product damage.
    3. Improve safety and reduce insurance premiums. Repetitive motions can increase workplace injuries. This can also have a significant impact on finances with increases in workman’s comp claims and premiums, disability paid leave, etc,. Automation can remove this potential liability .
    4. Perfect presentation, quality assurance in look, and seal creates best market impression. Automation can deliver consistent, quality results, which translate into cleaner, more attractive product in the market.
    5. Maximize ROI by reducing the cost and increasing its efficiency. Your bottom line is better product and higher profits. Automation cuts costs, prevents injuries and financial liabilities, reduces waste, improves presentation and security of your packaging.

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